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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Obeying Jesus Everyday in our Lives

It's so easy to read the stories in the Bible about people who disobeyed God when He was calling them to do something or go somewhere. The one person that comes to mind is Jonah. God had called him to go to Nineveh and call the people of Nineveh out because of the evil that was being done there and bring them to repentance and the forgiveness of sins. But instead of obeying God and going into Nineveh and call them out because of their sins before God, Jonah went the complete opposite direction and caught a ship in Joppa that was headed for Tarshish. Now when we read this in Job 1 it seems like we all too often (or maybe its just me) think that we would have done different than Jonah and would have obeyed God by going into Nineveh. But think about this, how many times have we disobeyed in just the small matters of life such as not sharing the love of Jesus and what He did for everyone by dying and rising again three days later, paying the price for our sins? Or praying, loving, and caring for those people in our lives that we don't get along with. Now I'm not judging or condemning anyone, I'm just as guilty of disobeying God in my life as anyone else. But the good news is that Jesus Christ died and rose again paying the price for our sins and disobedience! Let's repent of our disobedience and seek God's face everyday; obeying Him in everything that we do!

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